Halo Laser Treatments: The Difference Between Non-Ablative and Pro-Ablative Options


If you’re considering skin rejuvenation through laser treatments, you’ve got a lot of options. In fact, there are so many that it can get a little overwhelming. But don’t worry – there’s an upside. Because of all of the options available, you can get an incredibly customizable treatment suited to your specific needs. At Best Self Medical […]

What’s the Best Way to Remove Sun Damage?


Sun damage ages your skin prematurely, causing a plethora of issues like wrinkles, age spots, and rough skin. But there is hope! At Best Self Medical Arts, our patients are seeing exceptional results when it comes to fading sun-damaged skin with Halo Non-Ablative laser treatments. Today, we’ll take a look at why Halo is our go-to treatment option for reversing […]

How to Safely Fade Acne Scars?


Acne scars can be as emotionally damaging as they are physical. The dark or pitted marks left behind after acne act as a constant reminder of old breakouts and embarrassing moments in our past. While unwanted acne scars can sometimes fade on their own, the damaged skin never fully recovers on its own. That’s why Best Self […]