What Are the Best Treatments for Skin Tightening?


If you would like to tighten sagging skin, but you’re not yet ready for surgery, you are probably interested in learning about the best non-surgical treatments for skin tightening.  Here at Best Self Medical Arts, we use the highly effective SkinTyte and ProFractional laser therapy treatments for skin tightening. Skin laxity typically occurs due to a decrease […]

Skin Tightening: What Are My Options?


Sometimes, your skin can loosen before it’s time, adding years to your appearance. It can result in not only wrinkles but sagging jowls, drooping eyelids, and sunken cheeks. Put simply, skin laxity can be a real confidence killer. Don’t worry, though. At Best Self Medical Arts, we’re here for you. In fact, there are a […]

Can I Tighten My Skin Without Surgery?

How Do Halo-Pro Ablative Laser Treatments Benefit the Skin?

It’s natural for our skin to lose some of its firmness as we get older. Collagen levels can start to diminish as early as our mid-20s leaving us looking and feeling older than we actually are. If you’re bothered by loose or sagging skin on the face or body but aren’t ready to commit to a […]