diVa Tyte™ vaginal laser therapy is a non-surgical procedure that tightens and firms labial skin. Women who are bothered by loose skin from giving birth, genetics, or fluctuations in estrogen levels due to menopause, may want to consider the procedure. diVa Tyte™ helps tighten and firm stretched skin with little to no pain, side effects, or downtime.

diVa Tyte Vaginal Rejuvenation Westlake Village & Camarillo

How Does diVa TyteTM Work?

diVa Tyte™ uses infrared technology to target and heat the collagen layers deep in the tissue. By raising the temperature to the labial skin, we’re able to trigger your body to create its own collagen. The coagulative effects of the procedure allow your body to self-renew the skin’s surface and firm deep tissue. Your customized diVa Tyte™ treatment creates a smoother, firmer, more youthful-looking labial area.

Am I a Good Candidate For diVa TyteTM?

Due to its quick, non-invasive technique, diVa Tyte™ is a great non-surgical alternative for women with a busy schedule. If you are unhappy about the way your intimate area looks and feels but would prefer to avoid surgery, you may want to consider the procedure.

Treatments can be customized to address both aesthetic concerns and painful or uncomfortable intercourse due to excess skin in the labial region.

How Long Does a Typical Treatment Take?*

diVa Tyte™ typically takes about 10-minutes. It is often done in conjunction with the diVa™ vaginal laser, which uses the same technology to restore and firm the inside walls of the vagina.

divatyte-ba-results-case-3 (1) Camarillo

What Results Will I See?*

You will see an immediate smoothing of labial folds, as well as experience firmer deep tissue. As collagen rebuilds over the course of several weeks, you’ll begin to notice a more youthful and rejuvenated labial area.

It can take up to 4-months after your final procedure to see the full effects of the skin strengthening and collagen production. Your skin will continue to look and feel better during this time. The diVa Tyte™ vaginal laser therapy produces results that will last.

While most patients see a dramatic difference after only one treatment, many women choose to undergo 2-3 procedures spaced out four weeks apart for even further enhancement. A maintenance treatment can safely and effectively be done annually or as needed to prolong the outcome of your initial diVa Tyte™ sessions.

Is There Any Downtime?

No, you can resume your normal daily activities immediately. Although you may be excited to give your new body a go, we suggest waiting 48-hours to engage in sexual intercourse to prevent potential complications.

Few women report feeling any discomfort during the procedure. Some patients experience swelling, redness, or irritation immediately after your appointment. Any redness that may occur typically goes away within an hour of the procedure.

Take the Next Step

Schedule a confidential diVa™ consultation with Board Certified Physician and Surgeon, Dr. Geer at Best Self Medical Arts. Simply fill out the form below or call (818) 318-1200. Serving the Westlake Village & Camarillo, CA areas.

*Individual Results May Vary